LAW YEE appears in front of SAI-KWAI after knocking DIK KEI unconscious, however, he refuses to reveal DIK KEI’s whereabouts, nor does he want to surrender. Apart from that, he even challenges MA TAN to a duel, and SAI-KWAI couldn’t be happier to see them fight each other…… After LAW YEE’s dead body is transported back to Sing Wai Town, MA TAN is under attack from all sides, and TUNG LOI even punches him. DIK KEI bursts into tears while paying tribute to the late LAW YEE, promising to take good care of his beloved NGAI NAU. He then flees. YUEN-YUEN plans to leave Sing Wai Town, but MA TAN tries to convince her to stay in order to prevent the Marshal family from being scattered. Having heard LOK-LO’s analysis, TUNG LOI not only apologizes to MA TAN, but is also willing to receive punishments. Meanwhile, ZING-CHING asks whether MA TAN agrees to cooperate with the revolutionaries……