While their mother is dying in the modern Gimli, Manitoba hospital, two young children are told an important tale by their Icelandic grandmother about Einar the lonely, his friend Gunnar, and the angelic Snjofrieder in a Gimli of old.
Released: 1988-04-15
Runtime: 64 minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Comedy
Stars: Michael Gottli, M.B. Duggan, Laurie Richardson, George Toles, John Bekavac, Roberta Hannesson, Dmitri, Donna Szöke, Don Hewak, Linda Schinkel, Ian Handford, Martina Petriuk, Howard Curle, Margaret Anne MacLeod, Jeff Solylo, Greg Klymkiw, Angela Heck, Michelle Hannesson, Jennine Profeta, Alan BakerShow all > Janice McRae, Ron Eyolfson, Randy Kray, Caroline Bonner, Kirsten McFeetors, Brent Neale, Stephen Snyder, Carmen Snidal, Jey Thibedeau, Allen Schinkel, Yvette Nolan, Chris Johnson, Kyle McCulloch, David James Lewis, Heather Neale