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In the town of Normal Valley, an eccentric magician named Maestro entertains the local children every day in his spooky mansion. One stormy night, the town's mayor leads a group of angry citizens to the mansion in an attempt to run Maestro out of town.

  • Released: 1997-09-04
  • Runtime: 38 minutes
  • Genre: Music, Horror
  • Stars: Pat Dade, Amy Smallman, Edwina Moore, Yasiin Bey, Seth Smith, Kendall Cunningham, Loren Randolph, Heather Ehlers, Michael Balderrama, Troy Burgess, Nicole Pantenburg, Travis Payne, Mia Pitts, Heather Harley, Charlie E. Schmidt, Joie Shettler, Shawnette Heard, Anthony Talauega, Yuko Sumida Holley, Richmond Talauega  Show all >
    Lisa Joann Thompson, Mic Thompson, Dorie Konno, Stacey Walker, Kelly Konno, Michelle Weber, Suzi McDonald, Jason Yribar, Daniel Cox, Coco Leigh, Phoenix Nugent, Eddie Low, Dale Dudeck, Shana Mangatal, Stanley Dyrector, Claire Mayer, Keisha McCauley, Jim Hoffman, Janette Wilson, Douglas Huber, LaVelle Smith, Mike Smithson, Stan Winston, Stacey Walker, Michael Jackson, John Gregory, Paula Harrison, Courtney Miller, Melvin Bailey
  • Director: Stan Winston