Late night, sketch/variety comedy special starring comedian Martin Short. It features most of Marty's classic characters: Ed Grimley, Jackie Rogers Jr, Irving Cohen, and, from the SNL days, lawyer Nathan Thurm.
Released: 1995-05-20
Runtime: 90 minutes
Genre: TV Movie, Comedy
Stars: Martin Short, Jan Hooks, Charlotte Chatton, Gillian Doyle, Joe Flaherty, Phil Hartman, Jay Leno, Jim Piddock, Paul Shaffer, Bruno Kirby, Chad Lowe, Amanda Saunders, Harry Shearer, Marty Allen, Steve Rossi, Michael Hagerty, Stuart Pankin, Peggy Stewart, Joseph Maher, Mary Donnelly-HaskellShow all > Harvy Blanks, Shane Fraser, Barry Kramer, Alan Charof, Ernesto Miyares, Thom Keane, Aaron Priceman, Judy Jean Berns, Andy Papadopoulos, Steve Simich, Stephen Webb